Trying to choose your Wedding Colours may seem a bit daunting, especially if you aren't particularly visually oriented or if your partner is of no help. Yet it's really quite easy.
Most people base their Wedding Colours on their own favourite Colour or flower. You will want to choose one primary and two secondary.
Start off by having a look at your chosen ceremony site and reception venue décor and colours for strong Colours that could clash with certain Colours.
Are you set on having any particular type of flower? Have you already chosen your bridesmaids dresses? If so you are already halfway to finding your Wedding Colours.
If not start by thinking what season it will be when your ceremony takes place.
Spring and summer affairs usually include pastels or Brights. Winter suggests deep purples, burgundies, grey-greens or silver. Autumn brings harvest tones- oranges, reds and yellows.
What to Avoid:
Too much black- while sophisticated, it can end up looking like a funeral, rather than a celebration.
Losing your personality- think about what you wear normally in your clothing and the shades you have used to decorate your home. These are probably colours you are already comfortable with.
If you have a favourite shade, but don't know what else will go with it you could always try a colour wheel. Artists and Designers have used this tool for years as a design principle.
Consider having related tones: ones adjacent to each other on the colour wheel.
Consider have complimentary shades which are located opposite each other on the colour wheel. For example Lavender and Yellow or Forest Green and Burgundy.
Consider using many shades of one Colour as this can look very effective.
If you already have one Colour in particular picked out you might think about highlighting it with Neutral Colours.
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